Before You Spend Money and Time Launching an App, Do These 2 Things

Ani Torosyan of DishDivvy shares her tips.

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1 min read

When you have a brilliant idea for an app, your first instinct is probably to start pricing out what it would cost to build it — hiring a developer or coding it yourself, getting it on the App Store and Google Play and launching it with the right amount of fanfare. These might seem like the best first steps, but Ani Torosyan, CEO and co-founder of DishDivvy, an app with thousands of users, argues it could actually be a waste of time and money. 

When Torosyan launched DishDivvy, it was on a WordPress site the team cobbled together using free SaaS tools. It was only when the company was more established that it actually launched an app. Above, Torosyan shared why this strategy worked for DishDivvy, and why you might want to consider it for your own business. 

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