You Must Recognize Your Own Achievements First Before Expecting Others To

For others to recognize us, and to know us, it is extremely necessary that we first recognize our work ourselves, giving it the dissemination it deserves without prejudice and without fear.

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For others to recognize us, and to know us, it is extremely necessary that we first recognize our work ourselves, giving it the dissemination it deserves without prejudice and without fear.

As time has passed I have realized that in the world of entrepreneurship it is very rare for someone to talk about their experiences of failure, fear or uncertainty. I honestly do not understand why, since at the end of the day, entrepreneurs are made of small pieces that forge our character, desire, passion, commitment, responsibility, among many other qualities that we develop along the way.

I make this reflection because today I would like to plant a seed around a theme that many of us live, but few of us talk about: the grief of the entrepreneur. How? Shyness? Pain? Penalty of what or what?

Recently, a colleague told me that it would be a good idea for me to share my articles published in the chat of the group of entrepreneurs of which we are part. Since although these can be found via Twitter; And that I post them on my social networks, I’m not actually sharing them with my business network in a more direct way. At that point, my first thought was, “I don’t really want to sound self-centered; even though I love my articles ”. However, my real response was, “Okay, I’ll shake it off and start sharing it.”

And voilà, this exchange of words was enough to make me realize, for several days, something extremely important for every entrepreneur. It is essential to publicize our work! And here I want to ask several questions, the same ones that I asked myself during this process: Why do we feel sorry to share our achievements? Why are we ashamed to talk about ourselves? Why are we ashamed to show our work even though we know it is good? And why should they see us as self-centered?

I summarize all this in one sentence: for others to recognize us, and to know us, it is extremely necessary that we first recognize our work ourselves, giving it the dissemination it deserves without prejudice and without fear. And by fear I mean thinking about absurd things like: “And if they don’t like it.” “What if they don’t agree?” “And if they make fun of me.” Let’s see, stop! In real life, not everyone likes us, not everyone agrees with us and people will always have something to say anyway. So why not focus on the positive instead?

Below I share several situations that you can take advantage of to share your work; directly or indirectly, and that will keep you present in people’s minds without feeling self-centered and without embarrassment.

Do you think that digital media is the only channel for your business? Analyze it!

Yes, we have all heard the typical phrase: “If you’re not on the internet, you don’t exist.” But what about the meetings? Did you ever take advantage of that meal in which everyone was talking about business and you, out of shame, preferred not to say anything? I advise you that whenever you have a formal, even informal, commitment, turn your ears and if you see the opportunity to mention an anecdote about your work, talk about it! It is not about talking only about you, only about your business or fed up with others about work issues, no! What I am going to is that it is about making yourself known, that people know what you are up to or what your business is up to. This makes others always keep you in mind. I give you an example:

I am in a business conversation, suddenly one of those present complements his conversation with: “I don’t have enough time either, so I would like someone to be in charge of generating the content for my company’s blog.” The conversation continues, but as I pay attention to that detail, I make it my goal to look for the opportunity to get closer to that person and say: “I identified a lot with what you mentioned about time, I also on many occasions feel that it is not enough for me. But, in your case, I think that the services that my company offers might interest you. Do you think we meet tomorrow to talk? ” And that’s when I opened a door myself to offer one of the services that my company offers; writing content for business blogs.

Now, think about how you could apply this to your business.

Do you have a blog or do you write articles? Post them!

Let my experience serve you as a lesson. If you have a blog with articles about your business or that revolve around your products and / or services, share them! If you write for a newspaper or for several magazines, make your material known; Talk about it, send it via WhatsApp to those people you think will help them in their business and don’t forget to make it known through the great business network, LinkedIn.

Are you learning something new? Share it!

In this age it is essential to be versatile. If you are a writer, you need to learn to use design programs, know how social networks work, learn to take photographs, and so on. If you know how to do something different or are learning to do something to complement your work, let the world know! No, it is not about showing off, it is about knowing those skills that you possess or that characterize your business around you.

Have you ever been asked what you do and you were left blank? Speaks!

It has happened to many of us that as soon as they ask us what we do, we are left in a trance thinking about what to say, how to say it or how to explain it. Please don’t make it look like the mouse got your tongue. These types of opportunities are unique for them to identify you, know well what you do and know what you offer. My suggestion is that you practice a presentation of no more than 40 seconds where you repeat the name of your company, what services or products it offers and, very importantly, the benefits. Practice it until it comes naturally to you and, if necessary, get creative with it to get attention!

In short, do not stay with the desire to make yourself known correctly. Learn to be selective, save energy for those moments when it is really worth communicating. And remember, you never know where the best business opportunities may arise.

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