On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Energy is scheduled to announce a massive development in the search for a clean, renewable energy source.

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California bombarded a pellet of hydrogen plasma with the world’s largest laser to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction that creates a net energy gain, according to a report in the Financial Times.

This would be the first time scientists have been able to create a fusion reaction that produces more energy than it consumes.

Get excited… press conference from @ENERGY on fusion results from the US National Ignition Facility @lasers_llnl on Tuesday with a potentially HUGE #nuclearfusion announcement: FT reporting that NIF has hit scientific net energy gain! https://t.co/RMqYVRWrU1 #TheStarBuilders

— Arthur Turrell (@arthurturrell) December 11, 2022

A historic achievement

The United States, Russia, and various European countries have spent billions trying to master net energy gain for decades. Now the net energy technology is finally here.

Researchers produced 2.5 megajoules of energy, 120 percent of the 2.1 megajoules used to power the experiment.

Related: Here’s Why The World Needs Investments To Pour Into Renewables Now

What’s net energy? It’s putting 1 unit of energy into a fusion machine & getting *more* than 1 unit out. Breakeven in energy = same out as was put in. Scientists refer to percentages: 100% for breakeven, >100% for net energy gain. Gain is like a single match lighting a big fire pic.twitter.com/tkOH7RHaO2

— Arthur Turrell (@arthurturrell) August 13, 2021

Long road ahead

But don’t expect the new discovery to change the world overnight.

“The resources needed to recreate the reaction on the scale required to make fusion practical for energy production are immense,” according to the Washington Post.

For one, we still need to create machinery that can affordably turn the nuclear reaction into electricity that can be used on the power grid.

Second, “building devices that are large enough to create fusion power at scale, scientists say, would require materials that are extraordinarily difficult to produce. At the same time, the reaction creates neutrons that put a tremendous amount of stress on the equipment creating it, such that it can get destroyed in the process,” reports WaPo.

Still, the announcement is a huge breakthrough in the search for clean, cheap, renewable energy, and one that governments looking to invest dollars into alternatives to fossil fuels will take very seriously.

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