The term “quiet quitting” has gone viral on social media over the past few months — a phenomenon dubbed as doing only what’s specifically required of you in your job description and nothing more.

However, according to a new analysis by LinkedIn’s Economic Graph team, workers aren’t just “quiet quitting,” they’re outright quitting, and as quickly as possible. This is something people in the industry are now dubbing “fast quitting,” wherein someone leaves their position before the one-year mark — something that was once seen as a standard amount of time to stay in a job.

The team found that the short tenure rate, or STR, which measures the number of positions that come to an end before one year, has steadily increased across industries over the past few years.

This past March, the STR was up 9.7% year-over-year, according to the data, and workers are still quitting their jobs more quickly this year than last year.

The data suggests that despite economic uncertainty and chatter of a looming recession, many workers are still confident in the labor market, with reports finding a jump in jobs available in July.

The rise in turnover varies by industry, with arts and recreation seeing 11.63% year-over-year in August.

Other industries, like healthcare, have a significantly lower rate of workers leaving quickly. Growth in the STR for the healthcare industry peaked in September 2021 at +9.4% and has been shrinking since January.

Related: Gen Z Thinks ‘Quiet Quitting’ Is the New Norm: 82% Say Doing the Bare Minimum At Work Is ‘Pretty or Extremely Appealing’

While “quiet quitting” doesn’t involve the outright departure from a position in the same way “fast quitting” does, the two suggest a shift in attitude among the workforce, wherein individuals are seeking more work-life balance and better quality use of their time.