Kourtney Kardashian once said that working is not her top priority, and it doesn’t seem like staying in the know about our country’s top billionaires is either.

The Lemme (a wellness brand specializing in healthy supplements) founder failed to identify Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk in a now-viral lie detector video for Vanity Fair, which has been viewed 405,000 times (as of press time) on YouTube.

“I don’t even know who this is, guys,” Kardashian said in the clip after sister Khloe Kardashian presented her with a photo of the Amazon founder.

The mom of four claimed that because she doesn’t watch the news, she wasn’t familiar with what Bezos looked like, however, she was aware of the Blue Origin founder and said she’d “listen” to his business advice if he were to offer her any.

But Bezos wasn’t the only billionaire to fly under Kardashian’s radar.

The Kardashians star was then presented with a photo of Elon Musk and asked if she recognized him.

“I do, he was at our Christmas party,” she said. However, she didn’t mention Musk’s name or what he does for a living. Still, Kardashian said that although she “doesn’t know” about the Tesla founder’s business dealings, she would still listen to his business advice.

Despite not being in the loop with Musk and Bezos, the Poosh owner (a lifestyle website that offers tips on health and wellness) was able to identify Rihanna and said she would “totally” take business advice from the Fenty entrepreneur.