Tiredness, anxiety and stress can determine the future of your decisions, we explain why it is so important to eat healthy.

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In a world where stress dominates our daily schedule, coffee our source of energy and lack of sleep our nights, we find ourselves in a life prone to illness and poor decisions .

There is no doubt that a healthy diet helps our body to function properly, let’s not forget that we are a perfect machine. But to what extent does diet really influence our state of mind?

Stress and decision making

Unlike the television, our brain is always on, even when we are sleeping. According to studies by the World Health Organization (WHO), living in a state of chronic stress can lead to physical, mental and emotional imbalance. The result? Demand and pressure, bad relationships, insecurity, lack of sleep, anguish, anxiety and depression, among others.

Identify the factors

Knowing oneself is essential, listening to the body and feeding it healthily is the basis for generating quality energy.

Some symptoms to recognize a state of stress can be:

  • Low energy, headaches, stomach upset, insomnia.
  • Frustration, mood swings, and feeling overwhelmed.
  • Have difficulty relaxing, both mentally and physically.
  • Constant worry, disorganization, inability to focus, poor judgment, pessimism.

Get underway

Starting with a good diet is the basis of the change towards a new mental and physical configuration.

Why change? Because when our personal and professional decisions are defined in an instant, we must be in our best state to have the best focus.

The keys

Currently there is a trend to adopt healthy lifestyles, but we are far from recommending you make a change to the Kardashian, the goal is to modify small habits to create healthier ones, within the possibilities.

We must avoid those foods that trigger stress hormones, including cortisol. Therefore, some recommendations are:

1. The refined ones: Preferably discard industrial products, since they have low nutritional quality and can cause changes in moods, headaches, insomnia, etc. For example: Change canned food for fresh food, eliminate sugary drinks, substitute white sugar for muscovado sugar, salt for its marine option. And also little alcohol.

2. Opt for organic: Consume vegetables and fruits without chemical treatments, these accumulate in our body and are difficult to eliminate toxins.

3. Consume algae: Chlorella algae is a complete food with a large amount of nutrients, it has the property of helping the body to detoxify and eliminate heavy metals, products of pollution, alcohol and others.

4. Meditation: It is a mental food, dedicating 5 to 10 minutes or more a day to find a quiet place in our house and release the thoughts that overwhelm us, it is essential for our mental health.

5. Coffee for Tea ?: Reduce your coffee intake and switch to the types of tea that provide energy with less caffeine, Rooibos or white tea are good options for an intense workday.

Bonus track: According to specialists, the health of your intestines is directly linked to states of stress, so they recommend incorporating probiotics into your diet.

We always recommend consultation with a nutrition specialist.