This Thursday, June 17, we will talk live with Álvaro Velasco about his entrepreneurial experience and what is in store for his alert system.
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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.
The SkyAlert seismic alert app was going through a difficult time in 2017 when it had just three million active users. However, on September 19 of that year , its system warned seconds before the infamous earthquake that struck Mexico City. With this, it achieved alerts on time to thousands of people and for four days it became the favorite app of users.
The alert of this startup, which was born in 2014, warned its users seconds before the earthquake and reaffirmed that its service was useful for society. In two weeks, SkyAlert tripled in value and increased its annual revenue by 80%.
We will talk with Álvaro Velasco , CEO of SkyAlert Mexico and the United States, to find out what the company has in store, the investments it is making to warn of other natural disasters and his experience as an entrepreneur part of the LGBTTTIQ + community.
Do not miss the free live broadcast of this interview this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Entrepreneur Masters , the section where we will bring you talks, classes and lessons with key players from various industries and high-impact executives that you can follow from our channels official Facebook , LinkedIn and YouTube .