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A couple of days ago Bill Gates gave an interview to The Financial Times in which he spoke about his concerns about the current state of the pandemic and his idea that COVID-19 “still represents a threat to society”. According to the businessman, there is still the possibility that a more contagious and lethal variant will be generated than those we have seen so far: “I do not want to be the voice of pessimism, but there is a risk of over 5% that we have not even seen what worst of the pandemic.

Michael Loccisano | Getty Images

Yesterday, the businessman notified through a message on his personal Twitter account that he was infected with COVID19 : “I have tested positive for COVID. I am experiencing mild symptoms and am following expert advice to self-isolate until I am healthy again.”

In a later message, he explained: “I am lucky to be vaccinated and boosted and have access to testing and excellent medical care.”

I’ve tested positive for COVID. I’m experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts’ advice by isolating until I’m healthy again.

— Bill Gates (@BillGates) May 10, 2022

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Bill Gates has been a promoter of vaccination, to the extent that the theory was coined on social networks that he wanted to use vaccines as a means of implanting tracking chips with 5G technology in the bodies of the population. people . The idea that he and his company, Microsoft , had created the pandemic was even handled.


One of the reasons why what Bill Gates says about COVID-19 is striking is that in 2015, years before Covid-19, he gave a TEDTalk called “The Next Outbreak: We’re Not Ready.” outbreak: we are not ready)” in which he spoke of the risks involved in not being prepared for an outbreak of a viral disease that could be transmitted by air.

In the talk, Gates refers to Ebola and assures that we are not ready for a major outbreak and that we should prepare for it. As expected, when COVID-19 emerged, Gates’s talk became relevant again.

Gates has just presented his book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic” in which he sets out the lessons that the world and governments should have learned from COVID-19 to prevent another similar disaster from returning to us. to beat. “If we make the right investments, we don’t need to live in fear of another COVID. We can build a health system that is ready to stop outbreaks before they go global.”

For now Bill Gates is infected and we wish him a speedy recovery.

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