These Mexican FinTech and EdTech startups got Wayra Hispan to invest in them

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Savvy investors have repeatedly pointed out that staups focused on the FinTec and EdTech (educational technology) sectors have every win. Proof of this is the new investment announced by Wayra Hispam , the open innovation hub and corporate fund of Telefónica Movistar México . The two new startups that are added to the investment portfolio of this capital are Vinco and Retrypay, both of Mexican origin.

We are very pleased to add new companies to the Wayra Hispam portfolio, with the conviction that open innovation is the best tool for corporations to promote their digital transformation,” said Agustín Rotondo , Regional Manager of Wayra Hispam , through a statement.

With these investments, Wayra Hispam adds a total of five large financings so far in 2021. These include the capitalization of Bankuish , hackU and wherEX , carried out in the last semester.


The Vinco firm helps companies in Latin America to promote the education of their employees. This increases retention, attracting talent and improving the productivity of your teams through a personalized coaching service.

Through its platform, collaborators have at their disposal more than a thousand high-quality educational programs . These range from baccalaureate and professional careers, to masters and languages such as English, Portuguese and Spanish, all certified by partners such as Tecmilenio , Open English and UERRE .

“Through our investment in Vinco, we continue to bet that more and more companies support the development of their employees with quality education in the region, and thus continue to revolutionize the way we learn,” said Rotondo.

Image: courtesy of Vinco and Wayra Hispam.

Latin America is one of the regions with the largest skills gap in the world, they explain from the hub . Therefore, there is a huge impact opportunity to support the more than 150 million employees who do not have a higher education . In this sense, Vinco’s mission is to provide more equitable access to education.

“At Vinco, we believe that working with corporations we can have a greater impact in the region. We are delighted to be able to collaborate with Wayra to continue growing and supporting millions of students to complete their studies,” said Lissy Giacomán Colyer , CEO and co- founder of Vinco .


It is a platform with multiple payment processors that makes smart attempts to minimize the rate of payment rejection . It helps ecommerce companies to recover up to 60% of sales lost due to rejections in online payment gateways. This helps to optimize the cost of payment processing, improving the productivity of your customers.

Regarding investment in Retrypay, we are confident that more businesses will be able to increase the productivity of their online sales and thus continue to strengthen the economies of the region ,” said Rotondo.

Image: courtesy of Vinco and Wayra Hispam.

In ecommerce stores in Latin America, the rejection rate from payment processors fluctuates between 20 and 40%. At the global level, this translates into 600 billion dollars of lost sales, they assure from the corporate fund.

72% of rejections are from legitimate transactions and individuals that, for some reason, appear to be fraud and are rejected by the payment processor without anyone knowing why. This generates a bad experience for the customer who no longer returns and the worst thing is that he ends up buying from the competition ”, explained Mauricio Madrigal , CEO and co-founder of Retrypay .

The platform is a partner of strategic players in the region such as the electronic commerce platforms VTEX , Shopify and Tienda Nube . It also has alliances with the main digital payment methods such as PayPal , Mercado Pago , Rappi , OpenPay , PayU and banking integrators.

Both investments are in line with Wayra Hispam’s commitment to bet on digital transformation and technological development, promoting the FinTech and EdTech startup ecosystem. Also without part of Telefónica Movistar’s strategy to “expand digitization as an inclusion model, incorporating innovation into the market and bringing technology closer to people,” they noted.

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