Watch the Pitch That Results in Life-Changing Investment and a Lot of Tears

Check out episode three of the new season of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch. In each episode of the show, entrepreneurs are challenged to step into an elevator and pitch their business on camera to a board of investors in 60 seconds or less. If the investors like what they hear, the elevator doors open to reveal the boardroom, and contestants have the chance to walk away with life-changing funding, mentorship from the smartest minds in business and a personal and brand-defining moment.

Related: What Do You Do When an Investor Suddenly Changes the Terms Mid-Deal?

Episode 4 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch board of investors:

  • Marc Randolph, co-founder and first CEO of Netflix, master of scaling
  • Kim Perell, CEO of, marketing expert
  • Brandon Marshall, former NFL wide receiver and founder and CEO of House of Athlete

Episode 4 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch contestants:

  • Shawn Moye, founder of Moye Group, a sports e-trainer that coaches perfect form in basketball and other sports
  • Karen Frame, founder of Makeena, an app that helps shoppers find deals on healthy, sustainable food
  • Loren Flason, founder of Vetchup, a healthy line of flavorful condiments
  • Sharleen Ernster, founder of We are Hah, a lingerie line made from sustainable materials
  • Melissa Wiggins, founder of Bruetta, an on-the-go loose tea brewing system

Related: Watch the Pitch That Landed a $175,000 Investment

Who wins, and who gets sent down?

Sixty seconds may seem like a very short amount of time to explain an idea, but as this episode shows, the clock isn’t always the enemy. One entrepreneur gets in the doors but has such a hard time explaining what the business actually is that our investors throw their hands up in exasperation. But more than one entrepreneur walks out with a deal that could change their company — and their lives.

Season 8 of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch is brought to you by Amazon Business with support from State Farm and Canon. New episodes stream Wednesdays on Follow Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch on Facebook, YouTube and IGTV.

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