These are the melodies that the young entrepreneur hears when he needs to motivate himself.

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Have you ever wondered what the most innovative people listen to for inspiration? Richard Branson, founder and CEO of the Virgin Group, loves instrumental music. On the other hand, Steve Jobs was a lover of classic rock, and was motivated by listening to the albums of Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. And what do younger entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg listen to?

The creator of Facebook has very eclectic tastes: You can listen to Nirvana, one of his favorite bands since his teens, as well as rapper Jay Z, electronic music duo Daft Punk and pop icon Lady Gaga. But, without a doubt, his favorite band of all time is Green Day; In fact, the vocalist of this group was in charge of entertaining his wedding with Priscilla Chan in 2012.

Here is a selection of Zuckerberg’s favorite songs. What do you think of their tastes?

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