The goal of the technology company is to make communication between companies and their consumers easier.

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Do you use WhatsApp Business in your business or are you thinking of acquiring it? Facebook announced changes to this platform, and now it will be faster to manage an account for your business.

The goal of the technology company is to make communication between companies and their consumers easier via WhatsApp. Here are some of the changes:

  • The time it takes for companies to acquire the service will now only be five minutes when it could last weeks before.
  • It will let you preset 10 quick message options and three reply options for your users. 
  • You will be able to send timely notifications to your clients without having to wait 24 hours.

On the other hand, users who have blocked business accounts will receive options to share their experience with more people.

Image: Courtesy Sofía González Web

According to the messaging platform, the idea is to make communication between companies and their customers more “comfortable and personalized.”

Related: WhatsApp and the New Shopping Cart: How Does It Work?