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Startups know that the biggest conquest is getting their brand out there. While it sounds like an insurmountable challenge, taking one step at a time results in a riptide that could lead to growth acceleration and brand awareness optimization. Think of it as swimming through still waters — a stagnant area that seems empty of opportunity. But if you start dipping your toes in it, a ripple effect takes place, creating motion in the entire space. Once you swim faster, you start disrupting the stillness of the water, creating waves that would go on to the opposite shore. And before you know it, you’ve already established your presence in a once-inert territory.

One item leads to another. Startup leaders who think this way have a bigger chance of winning their game. It’s not about knowing what the end tunnel looks like; rather, it’s the journey of getting there and the series of chain reactions you can make while maneuvering through the process. From business opportunities and potential clients to media coverage, never underestimate the domino effect of taking one step forward as a catalyst to your business growth.

How does this happen? Let me explain:

One press mention leads to the next press mention

As the younger generation says, go viral!

Don’t be discouraged by your initial lack of press coverage. As a startup company, you’re building from the ground up. From marketing and human resources to network connections, everything is from scratch. Media coverage is particularly daunting for tech companies in the digital age as the media space is congested with a myriad of cutting-edge solution providers left and right. But great leaders don’t think about this as a threat; they see this as an opportunity to continue to seize growth.

The key is to get one press mention. Focus on that, not on immediate global domination in the gigantic ecosystem of media coverage. Don’t scatter your energy in aiming for a ton of press mentions at a time. You have to be realistic that you can only do so much. However, have the confidence that one press mention leads to the next. If you have faith in the products and solutions that you provide, you need to trust the process. Getting one press mention discussing the edge of your company will attract media attention, which will get you further visibility.

Keep in mind that one press ignites a flicker that turns into a wildfire. Once word gets out, it’s an unstoppable force that will catapult your company’s name.

Related: 5 Must-Haves for Entrepreneurs and Their Startups to be Successful

One client leads to the next

The one thing you should know about the B2B sector is that it’s a tight-knit space. Almost everyone knows about everyone to a certain degree. And to maximize your connections, building long-lasting client relationships is key. Focus on the quality of ties, not the quantity.

While it seems like a challenging and daunting task for startups, remember that it only takes one client to make a difference. Just one satisfied and happy client is enough to get the word out for others to build partnerships with you. Instead of focusing on “how do I get as many clients?” Think about “how do I improve my products and services?” Let your work speak for itself, and with the right PR strategy, you’ll soon reap an abundance of positive outputs.

Related: 5 Keys to Success for a Lasting Startup

One LinkedIn post leads to another

Here’s where you can establish brand authority at the tip of your fingers: social media. LinkedIn, in particular, is an excellent platform to boost company engagement and increase brand awareness. For one, you’re in charge of what to share, when to share it and whom to share it with. And while it looks so easy to go viral these days, maximizing your social media reach isn’t magic. It takes work.

The trick? Your post needs to be good. The bottom line is no one is likely to read or let alone share your post if it doesn’t give them value. You need to ensure that your post is substantial, relevant and insightful. The goal is to increase your engagement by having people react, comment and share. You can only achieve this if your post is worth their time.

What’s more, a valuable post doesn’t just lead to higher engagement. As part of the domino method, it’s also the gateway to increasing your number of followers. This is essential for three reasons:

  1. You get to have an established social media presence with solid authority.

  2. Your drive to continue your streak in posting with consistency will be ignited.

  3. You’ll gain higher prospects. It only takes one follower to create partnerships that will grow your network of clients. Seize that opportunity.

Ultimately, it’s all about stepping your foot into the game. Trust the fact that once you enter a moving vehicle, it’ll take you to places that are vast in opportunities. Startup leaders should recognize the riptide effect of one action: It only takes one big swing for you to hit a home run.

Related: How to Build the Right Mindset for Startup Success