
Etiquette classes are coming to the workplace.

But unlike traditional classes that teach how to curtsy and fine-dining fork placement, these classes offer help with “soft skills” like writing professional emails, appropriate in-office banter, and dressing for a professional environment.

According to a new survey of 1,548 business leaders by Resume Builder, 45% of companies are already offering these kinds of classes while 18% plan to implement such classes by the end of 2024.

More than two-thirds of companies that are already offering etiquette classes have said the classes have been “highly” successful.

RELATED: 8 Zoom Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

“In our view, office etiquette training is vital, not only for newbies but for everyone on the team,” said Co-Founder and CEO of FormsPal, Mike Chappell said, per Resume Builder.

Those surveyed said Gen Z could use training on how to be more professional in the workplace and help others reacclimate to workplace life after the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced us to incorporate remote work and new ways of communicating in the work world.

When asked why these classes are needed, some of the write-in responses included:

“The younger employees needed help with general office etiquette.”

“Some staff started wearing ‘very casual’ clothes to work that were just not professional in appearance.”

“There were increasing complaints of a hostile work environment and complaints from patrons about the behavior of certain employees.”

While 60% of companies surveyed said they would require etiquette classes for all employees, 19% said they would only require it for certain employees, 10% of which will target new college graduates and employees ages 18-27.

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However, these corporate etiquette classes come with a cost. According to Business Training Works, which offers business etiquette courses and workshops, it charges $14,100 for a two-day on-site training session for only 36 employees. Prices for online courses range from $50 to $250 and allow for 500+ employees to take the class.

Despite the lofty fees, some of Business Training Works’ clients include Adobe, Chevron, Disney, and Johnson & Johnson.