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Since the launch of Tesla, the CEO and creator Elon Musk has forced the automobile industry to bet on cars that are cleaner for the environment, however, it has not yet been possible to make the transition to the use of electric vehicles on a massive scale.

Despite the fact that the demand for this type of vehicle has grown in recent months, electric cars are still purchased by a small group of people, who mainly live in large cities and have high purchasing power. However, this situation could change with the early launch of the electric version of the F-150 pick-up , a vehicle with the same name and which holds the title of the best-selling in the country, that version bears the surname Lightning , which distinguishes it of the gasoline model, one of the most loved especially in the field.

This launch announced by Ford CEO Jim Farely is scheduled for April 26 and may be the key that opens the door to a major transition to electric vehicles in the United States.

Through his Twitter account, Farely announced the announcement with an image of the pick up accompanied by lightning and the legend “It’s time”. For this important event, an event will also be held in Dearborn, Michigan, where the vehicle is assembled.

The entire automotive industry is expected to closely follow both the event and the popularity and impact of the F-150 Lightning in the market, as it may give clues about the future trend of this technology in the face of launches such as the GMC Hummer, Chevy Silverado and the famous Tesla Cybertruck.

From this launch Ford launches its production strategy in which it is expected that by 2026 two million electric vehicles will have been produced per year.

Although not officially released, the waiting list for the F-150 Lightning is so long that orders have sold out since December. It is important to mention that not all these orders culminate in the purchase of the vehicle, however they are a tangible reflection of the great public interest in acquiring it. As a sales strategy, it has also been announced that during the

Summer a new list will open, this time for the 2023 model that will start production this fall.

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