In this way, the Secretary of Health can keep a count of the number of vaccines that are needed in each municipality.

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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

The Secretary of Health of Mexico started the registry for people over 18 years of age who wish to be vaccinated. Now those between 18 and 29 years old will be able to enter their data on the official page of “My Vaccine” .

What do I need to get vaccinated?

  • Have your Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) at hand.
  • When placing your CURP, your personal data will be filled in automatically and you must verify it.
  • You must select the entity and municipality where you currently live, it does not matter if it does not match your identification.
  • Have at hand the postal code of the place.
  • Provide two contact numbers.
  • Provide two contact emails.
  • In the notes section you can put the time you prefer to receive the call or if the phone number is of a friend or relative.
  • And press “send”.

Subsequently, the result will appear indicating that you have been successfully registered and your folio number, as well as an explanation in which they tell you to wait for the call in which they will indicate your date and place of vaccination.

Image: capture via

What about those under 18 years of age?

“People who have not reached 18 years of age cannot be registered for the simple reason that the vaccine is not authorized for use in children under 18 years of age, except for Pfizer, which from the beginning was registered since 16 and over, but is not It is convenient for them to register, when they turn 18 it will be their turn to register ”, explained the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, at the morning conference on July 6.

How do I verify that I am vaccinated?

At the same conference, López-Gatell announced that the COVID vaccination certificate is now available. “If you want to have official proof that you have been vaccinated and with what vaccination and on what dates, here it is,” he said. To be able to request it, you must enter the page , then you must enter your CURP and the data that is already available in the vaccination record are automatically filled out, generating the certificate.

Image: Andrés Manuel López Obrador via YouTube.