More than two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, the work-from-home life that began as a necessity has emerged as the new (and preferred) normal for millions of Americans. A February report from Pew Research Center reveals that among those employees who do have the option to return to an office, 61% are choosing to remain remote

But not everyone is on board. On Thursday, Citadel founder and CEO Ken Griffin said that he brought his workers back into the office because he thinks that innovation and creativity suffer in a remote workforce, Newsweek reports. 

Griffin is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur and investor who is the founder, CEO, co-chief investment officer and 80% owner of multinational hedge fund Citadel LLC; he has an estimated net worth of $29.6 billion

Related: Pros and Cons of Remote Work: Will Your Employees Adapt?

Griffin shared his point of view at a conference hosted by Bloomberg Intelligence, in response to a question about how Covid has altered the way hedge funds work. The billionaire lamented the “big loss” of connectivity as a result of Zoom meetings and noted that all Citadel employees have returned to the office with the exception of those in a few jurisdictions in Asia. 

“And that collaboration within our four walls I think has been an incredibly important part of our success story over the last two-and-a-half years,” Griffin said. “It’s something that I wish all of corporate America would embrace because what you see, and there are more and more studies emerging on this — innovation and creativity fall in a remote workforce.”

When asked if the required return to in-person work has resulted in resignations, Griffin admitted that it has in a “handful” of cases, but that overall, employees have adapted surprisingly well. According to Griffin, when employees were informed they could work from home during the Omicron surge, “most people kept coming to work.” 

Griffin went on to say that people are “creatures of habit” who “create new habits pretty quickly,” and, ultimately, appreciate the value in separating work life from home life. 

Related: 17 Things You Need to Know About Remote Work

Naturally, many disagree with Griffin’s perspective, with some going as far to say that those who believe everyone should work in person are the ones who need to stretch their creative muscles. 

“The only thing holding back flexible work arrangements was a failure of imagination,” Joan Williams, director of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings, told The New York Times. “That failure was remedied in three weeks’ time in March 2020.” 

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