Why I’m Industry Agnostic

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When clients ask me what kind of industries my agency usually works in, I rarely give them the answer they want to hear. And yet, nine times out of ten, I secure their business anyway. What’s my secret?  I’m industry agnostic. If you were looking at a…

How to Create an Authentic Brand

Branding expert Cloe Luv shares what she believes are the most important elements of authentic branding. Grow Your Business, Not Your Inbox Stay informed and join our daily newsletter now! October 20, 2021 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Cloé Luv believes branding is the most important step in business. “Branding dictates…

10 Must-Have Traits for All Successful Entrepreneurs

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Entrepreneurs have a vision, focus and determination that will take them anywhere they want to go. They also have strong leadership skills and know-how to motivate others around them. Every great entrepreneur shares ten critical attributes, which I’ve witnessed during my time helping thousands of business leaders…

Say Hello to the Smartest Way to Do Work

At small businesses across the U.S., work has migrated out of the office and into the home—or it has become a hybrid mix of the two. By now, many employees have grown to expect, not just appreciate, the flexibility of going virtual. In a recent survey conducted by the digital workspace provider Citrix, 52 percent…