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To contribute to the economic recovery of the country, the Mexican Association of Coworkings and Flexible Spaces (AMXCO) , launched the call to participate in the ‘Reactivating Mexico’ initiative . The members of the organization will donate 6 months of free coworking to entrepreneurs , freelancers and SMEs . Here we tell you what it is and how you can get one of the 180 memberships they offer.

“All members affiliated with AMXCO will donate a total of more than 120,000 hours of use of workspaces in selected locations, distributed through individual memberships lasting up to six months in coworking area and meeting rooms. This in order to receive in its facilities people who need a space to develop, consolidate and make their project or company grow ” , said the association through a statement.

The invitation is open to professional men and women, entrepreneurs and SMEs “who request it and whose profiles are eligible according to our call.” They must be of legal age, with residence in any part of Mexico, who lead or are part of entrepreneurial projects in the idea phase, with operations started or already established and with experience in their field.

Memberships for 120,000 free coworking hours will be donated

In total, AMXCO plans to deliver 180 memberships , most of which contemplate daily use of the space for 8 hours . Considering that there are 20 business days per month, on average, each beneficiary will enjoy a maximum total of up to 960 hours of free coworking . This guarantees you have a workspace for a period of 6 months , which will start from next January.

Other individual memberships “span from 40 to 100 hours of space use, available with some operators and in selected cities,” explained the organization founded and directed by Eric Pérez , a specialist in the coworking ecosystem in Latin America . Individual memberships for boardroom use contemplate 120 to 140 hours of monthly use, depending on the location and the operator that offers them.

Ten Mexican cities participate in the initiative: Aguascalientes, CDMX, State of Mexico, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Pachuca, Mazatlán, Guadalajara, Zapopan, Cancún, Torreón, Saltillo and San Pedro Garza García.

How to participate in AMXCO’s Reactivating Mexico initiative?

  1. You must fill out this form with your data and share general information about your venture, project or company. The call will be open until December 1, 2021 .
  2. A committee made up of AMXCO members will determine which projects meet the conditions to be selected. The capacity of the spaces to receive the winning participants will also be evaluated and confirmed.
  3. Throughout December 2021, the association will inform the applicants of the status of their application or, if they are winners, they will give them details of the membership and the next steps.

The # ReactivandoMéxico initiative contemplates the donation of individual memberships with a duration of up to 6 months in the #coworking area and meeting rooms, within selected spaces of AMXCO.

Are you interested in knowing more? Check the bases at and apply now!

– Mexican Coworking Association (@amxco_org)November 10, 2021

Those elected, with membership and designated location, must agree with each operator to occupy their workspace. The start date of all the benefits of this initiative will be January 3, 2022 .

You can check all the details of the call and the selection process on the Reactivando México website .

The main objective of AMXCO is to promote and strengthen this modality and, at the same time, support the projects and communities that are forged within them. Its mission is also to unite the main coworking representatives in Mexico, to establish quality standards that contribute to professionalize their centers.

The Mexican Association of Coworkings and Flexible Spaces is the first association that brings together the Mexican industry of shared work spaces. Today, it groups 21 active members with more than 110 locations , a total sum of more than 75,000 m2 of flexible workspaces distributed throughout 14 cities of the Mexican Republic and a network of more than 15,000 clients .