
Depending on how you feel about Vin Diesel’s acting prowess, this could either be a dream job or compensation for emotional suffering.

The website FinanceBuzz is looking to hire a “Fast and Furious claims adjuster.” Basically, they want someone to watch all 10 movies in the “Fast & Furious” franchise and “assess the auto damage” across all of the films, according to the post. The winning candidate will be paid $1,000 for their time. The gig includes tickets to the new “Fast X,” which will be released on May 19.

Here’s the bullet point on what the viewing party entails — and why you’re getting paid:

  • Watch over 20 hours of the franchise
  • Track damages to any and all vehicles in crash scenes
  • FinanceBuzz’s team will use your findings to estimate the insurance impact of the franchise’s reckless driving.
  • You, the Fast & Furious Claims Adjuster, will earn $1,000, plus $100 to cover the cost of any streaming fees, movie tickets, and snacks.

The listing goes on to note that, “As a bonus, you’ll get a healthy education about the value of family.” Not to mention an eyeful of muscle-y guys with bald heads.

Related: 10 Inspiring Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Quotes

Does this opportunity have your motor running? Apply here. Applications are due May 19, 2023, so do it fast (and furiously, we guess?).

If this sounds ridiculous to you, then it’s definitely not your gig. As anyone who has watched an “F&F” movie knows, the natural laws of the universe do not apply.

Related: Avoid the ‘Too Fast, Too Furious’ Approach to Scaling a Startup