
How Generative AI Is Going to Change the Capital Markets

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The advent of generative AI is set to usher in a new era in the capital markets, promising to revolutionize the way we invest, operate and value companies. This technology, which includes models like OpenAI’s GPT-3 and GPT-4, is poised to reshape the financial landscape, offering unprecedented…


Get Ready for Corporate Charm School: Etiquette Classes Are Coming to the Workplace and They’re Looking at You, Gen Z

Etiquette classes are coming to the workplace. But unlike traditional classes that teach how to curtsy and fine-dining fork placement, these classes offer help with “soft skills” like writing professional emails, appropriate in-office banter, and dressing for a professional environment. According to a new survey of 1,548 business leaders by Resume Builder, 45% of companies…


How to Navigate The Storm of Inflation

Alright, Life Goal Nation! Over the past few years, global economies have witnessed dramatic changes due to various factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in fiscal policies, and geopolitical tensions. Among these changes, inflation has emerged as one of the major concerns for investors and analysts alike. In this in-depth analysis, we will discuss recent…