Top 4 Mindset Milestones Entrepreneurs Need to Reach for Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Having a proper business mindset is a recommendation we’ve all heard upon starting a new exciting business endeavor. But what exactly stays behind the words “proper business mindset?” In a nutshell, it represents a certain way of thinking that implements various growth strategies, people skills and approaches…

Want to Unlock Business Resiliency? Prioritize Your People

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With the market sliding and company layoffs and reorganizations on the rise, many businesses are tightening their spend and looking for ways to weather an unfolding economic storm. As businesses look for opportunities to reduce burn, investments in employees are the first thing to be cut. Over…

3 Ways to Invest in Your Happiness

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Ask a room full of people what they want most out of life, and the overwhelming response will be “happiness.” Ask a room full of parents what they most want for their children, and the overwhelming response will also be “happiness.” Positive psychology — the science of…

What Leaders Can Learn From Great Teachers

“The best teachers are leaders, and the best leaders are also teachers,” says Harvard Business School Professor Thomas DeLong, who has taught over 20,000 MBAs and executives across the globe since 1997. According to him, teachers, as with leaders, “should be like a mad scientist who can’t wait to get to the classroom to share…