How AI Ads Are Disrupting Marketing

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Artificial intelligence is the new frontier of marketing. Marketing with AI has been proven to be a successful strategy for many businesses. It’s is a new way to reach customers and is much more personalized, targeted and engaging than traditional methods. AI marketing can be used for…

5 Common Marketing Mistakes You Need to Look Out For

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. A strong marketing strategy is one of the key components of building a successful company. Despite its importance, it is also one of the elements of business that companies most often struggle with. Marketing is not merely something that is nice to have. If you want to…

6-Step Plan to Convert Leads Into Sales

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. So, you and your team have been acing lead generation, and you’ve got leads. Now what? Even with the highly saturated market, lead generation is the easy part. People will always have an entry-level of interest. People like knowing things. They’ll give you their emails in exchange…

FBA Aggregators: What Makes Amazon FBA Brands Unparalleled Acquisition Targets in 2022

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The market for acquiring Amazon FBA businesses is booming — FBA aggregators have collectively raised over $14 billion since January 2020. Several reasons, according to a Fortunet survey, have combined to create this promising atmosphere: the pandemic kickstarting a new ecommerce boom, the success of flagship aggregators…