Non-Wealthy IRA Savers Who Invested IRAs Into Small Business, Startups and Real Estate LLCs Targeted in ‘Build Back Better’ Plan

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The proposed $3.5 trillion budget-reconciliation package still working its way through Congress contains two provisions that will restrict IRA investments into startups, small business, and real estate LLCs. These provisions came as a surprise to the over one million IRA investors who already invest a portion of their IRA…

‘Enjoy it’: Fauci Says It’s Safe for Americans and Their Children to Trick or Treat on Halloween

This story originally appeared on Business Insider In a Sunday interview with the CNN anchor Dana Bash, Dr. Anthony Fauci said US COVID-19 cases were headed in the “right direction” and Americans should feel free to enjoy outdoor Halloween festivities like trick-or-treating. Pool | Getty Images “I think that, particularly if you’re vaccinated, you can get out…