WhatsApp has new features to improve the experience of its users in the world.
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WhatsApp is one of the most used instant messaging applications in the world. Through an interview in a message group with WABetalinfo , Mark Zuckerber and Will Cathcart, CEO of the platform, confirmed that there will be new functions available to improve the experience of their users.
The first one is the “Disappearing Mode” . By keeping this mode activated, all conversations will be fleeting; All messages will have an expiration date of 7 days, so after that week all those messages will remain in the past, they will not be stored on the servers and will be automatically deleted.
Will Cathcart and Mark Zuckerberg confirm to WABetaInfo 3 features to come on @WhatsApp ! @wcathcart https://t.co/sDm41MpQiG
This is an amazing story. Disappearing mode, view once and multi device features are coming soon for beta users!
– WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) June 3, 2021
The second will be the “Watch once mode” , which was confirmed by Mark Zuckerberg. This function is based on the sending and receiving of images and videos, it will be very similar to or the operating system of the Snapchat application, which means that once opened they can no longer be viewed or recovered.
Finally, during the interview, the multi-device support was confirmed, where the user can have the same number on four different devices, at the same time, and can stay active without the need for the original equipment to be connected to the internet or turned on.
βIt has been a great technical challenge to get all your messages and content to sync correctly across all devices, even if your phone runs out of battery, but we have solved it and we can’t wait to get it out soon,β said Mark Zuckerberg . All these new features will be available soon, get ready.