Are you one of those who spends more than 40 hours a week in the office? According to science, you could be damaging your cognitive process if you work more than three days.

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As entrepreneurs we tend to spend many hours at work, however, this may not be the most beneficial for your health or even for your cognitive development.

According to a study published by the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper , spending only 25 hours at work a week, that is, three days, could be the healthiest, especially if you are over 40 years old.

According to Australian researchers , who analyzed 3,000 men and 3,000 women, working more than 55 hours a week produces fatigue, stress, affects neural processes and atrophy cognitive functions. That is, reducing work time to 25 hours for every seven days improves memory, abstract reasoning and specific knowledge.

What if I can’t work just 25 hours a week?

Although the study recommends reducing work to this time, you should not feel bad. The study also found that spending 40 hours a week working does less damage to the brain than simply not working. However, spending more than 55 hours per seven days is more damaging in the long run than being unemployed. It’s all about balance.

“Work can be a double-edged sword in the sense that it can stimulate brain activity, but at the same time, too much can cause stress and fatigue, which is very damaging to cognitive functions,” the trial indicated.

According to specialists, working in a balanced way after 40 years helps improve health and motivate parts of the brain that begin to slow down.

The keyword is balanced .