
Blockchain Technology: Overhyped or Underused? Here’s What You Should Know.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With the recent collapse of FTX, investors now worry about the future of cryptocurrency. While some blame the technology, we should remember that people are corruptible, not blockchain. The ledger-based technology making cryptocurrency possible is as much a breakthrough today as it was yesterday. Unfortunately, crashes like…


Web3 in 2023: 6 Trends Towards The Path of Sanity

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We came off a euphoric bull run in 2021 to an epic bear market in 2022. A lot has changed in this period, with protocol collapses, regulatory bans, code sanctions, CeFi obliteration, heightened FUD and bad actors causing an industry-wide contagion through acts of fraud. There have…


Should You Have a Book Ghostwritten?

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Would you believe me if I told you I just attended New York Fashion Week? If you are someone who celebrates fashion, you might know that Fashion Week is one of the biggest events in the industry. I was honored to be personally invited to participate in…