60-Second Business Tips: Myths of Entrepreneurship

There is a lot of great information about entrepreneurship out there, but some ideas floating around are not completely accurate, says business development consultant and Entrepreneur magazine writer Terry Rice. In the above video, Rice breaks down three common myths about entrepreneurship. Myth 1: You have to follow your passion. Well, that sounds nice, but…

I’m A Traveling Mompreneur. Here’s Why Ditching Sales Calls and Using DMs Was The Best Thing For My Sales

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You finally have the freedom and flexibility to start your own service-based, online businesses so you can work as you travel with your family. It’s every travel-loving mompreneur’s dream. But there is one thing standing between you and the ability to work from anywhere in the world:…

5 Ways Multigenerational Teams Can Improve Collaboration

Working together as a multigenerational team isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Individuals of different generations often have different value sets and methodologies for approaching work. They might also prefer to use different software to support their respective work styles. The uncommunicated or misunderstood disparity in ideals can cause friction that may lead to…