‘These Fees Are Getting Out of Hand’: Diner Claims She Was Charged 5% Fee At Restaurant to Support Employee Health Care

Throughout the pandemic, many restaurants charged customers extra fees to compensate for revenue lost during that period. But one diner in Southern California was surprised to see a charge on her bill this month that she hadn’t seen before — a 5% “employee health fee.” While dining at Osteria La Buca in Sherman Oaks, California,…

4 Keys to Achieve Business Success in a Time of Crisis

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Those that have heard me speak, know that I am fully invested in creating opportunities for minority business enterprises (MBEs) to grow and scale their businesses. It is why I accepted the role of CEO and president of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). However, perhaps…

What Is Earned Media and What Is Its Value?

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The digital transformation of the media landscape has changed how brands connect to consumers. Where audiences were previously limited to a handful of newspapers and broadcast outlets, users can now choose between dozens of traditional and digital publications, social media channels, blogs and vlogs. At the same…