10 Tips from the Real Estate Passive Income Playbook

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I have an embarrassing confession to make: I’ve been a great entrepreneurial earner but a not-so-great investor. As a high-risk angel investor with long-term payouts of 10 to 15 years, I’ve invested in dozens of startups, and very few of my investments have produced the passive income…

If Your Business Struggles With Miscommunication and Disorganization, You Need to Put This System in Place

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. From a logistical perspective, it can be surprising to find that many small businesses and startups need a sound organizational structure. How one structures their team, company leadership and the flow of information and communication within their organization can spell the difference between a business scaling successfully…

How to Be More Intentional in Your Career and Life

An intentional lifestyle involves defining our priorities, getting clear on what we want from life, and living each day in alignment with them. Calendar – Calendar Simply put, living intentionally means deciding what you want from life and pursuing it. In today’s fast-paced world, though, we are all overstretched and juggling “everything.” Therefore, it is…

McDonald’s Tests New Product Packaging in Attempt to Go Green — And Eliminates This Familiar Feature

Many businesses are taking steps toward a greener future — including McDonald’s. Andrew Aitchison | Getty Images The fast-food giant has started testing strawless lids in some U.S. cities as part of a multi-year initiative to make its packaging more eco-friendly, CNN Business reported. It’s part of the chain’s attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…