
‘Our Kids Aren’t Even Safe To Order Food’: Mother Outraged After DoorDash Employee Uses App to Flirt With Teen Daughter

On-demand food delivery services have become so commonplace that we can sometimes forget we’re conversing with strangers who know our names and addresses. Now, one mom is going viral on TikTok after catching a DoorDash employee attempting to flirt with her 15-year-old daughter through the messaging service provided through the platform. In a video that’s…


5 Ways to Protect Your Business from Climate Change Disaster

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Severe weather is the new normal. Recent floods in California, tornadoes in Alabama, and freezing temperatures in New York are just the tip of the ever-melting iceberg. In 2022 alone, the United States experienced 18 natural disasters, including wildfires, severe storms, tropical cyclones, flooding, freezing, and drought,…