Why Data Needs to Be at the Center of Your Organization

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We’ve all been in a team meeting where creative ideas flow left and right — but they’re overridden by the loudest, the most influential or highest-ranking person in the room. This ‘because I said so’ approach to decision-making doesn’t do anyone any good. It overlooks team members’…

A Never-Opened First-Generation 2007 iPhone Just Sold at Auction for 100 Times Its Original Price

A first-generation, never-opened 2007 iPhone sold at auction last week for $63,356.40, surpassing expectations. (The 15-year-old relic was expected to sell for $50,000.) The phone, which was listed in early February, was factory-sealed and featured 8 GB of storage and Apple’s original 3.5-inch screen. Bidding started at $2,500. The sale price was over 100 times…

How to Create an Effective Work Calendar

Our calendars are essential tools for staying on task, being productive, and prioritizing our time. Moreover, they play an important role when collaborating with others, meeting deadlines, and reminding us of upcoming events. And in addition to helping us reach our short-term goals, calendars are essential in achieving the long-term goals we’re set. However, how…

This Black Founder Stayed True to His Triple ‘Win’ Strategy to Build a $1 Billion Business

Wemimo Abbey’s journey to co-founding billion-dollar fintech company Esusu, the leading platform for renter financial health that supports low-to-moderate-income households in the U.S., begins in Lagos, Nigeria. Abbey was raised by his mother and two sisters after his father passed away when he was just two years old. Then, in 2009, his mother’s staunch belief…