
The Benefits of Using a Shared Calendar

It probably never crossed your mind. But a shared calendar can boost efficiency and communication both at home and at work. Why? Sharing your calendar with your coworkers, family, and customers will also help you stay organized. As an additional benefit, they enable you to be more productive and prevent many small errors from occurring.…


Unlocking the Power of LinkedIn: How Entrepreneurs Can Leverage the Platform for Growth and Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For many years, LinkedIn seemed like a stuffy old uncle when compared to his flashy social media counterparts, Instagram and Facebook. While this platform intended to serve as a networking nirvana for professionals, the user experience of LinkedIn felt formulaic. Historically, LinkedIn did not offer the autonomy…


She Was Google’s 16th Employee and YouTube’s CEO for 25 Years. Now, She Is Getting Her Own Barbie Doll and So Are Her Sisters.

Barbie has worn many hats since the doll was introduced in 1959, but now she’s taking on a new industry with the help of some tech-savvy role models – including YouTube‘s former CEO Susan Wojcicki. On International Women’s Day March 8 (just one day before National Barbie Day) Barbie’s parent company, Mattel, released a collection…