
7 Tips for Raising Money-Smart Kids

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As a father of five kids (ages 7 to 18) and a fiduciary wealth manager with 21 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how your family’s money attitude and communication shape your family’s future. How you talk about money, how you feel about it and what you…


Are You an Authoritative Leader like Logan Roy or a Personality Hire Like Cousin Greg? Which ‘Succession’ Character Are You At Work?

After four seasons of power plays, sibling rivalry and sharped-tongue sarcasm, Succession fans are finally waving farewell to the Roy family. But just because we’re saying goodbye to Cousin Greg, it doesn’t mean we won’t see another naive and awkward recent graduate by the office water cooler. Succession is rumored to be based on one…