5 Steps to Communicate Like a Boss

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Effective communication is essential in any workplace. It helps build a positive and productive work environment, fosters collaboration and teamwork, and ultimately leads to better business outcomes. However, many employees and managers need help with communication. Ineffective communication can often lead to misunderstandings, low morale and lost…

How to Enhance Business Automation and Unlock New Levels of Operational Efficiency

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s business landscape, AI and automation are increasingly important. Over 50% of organizations plan to incorporate them in 2023. Implementing AI comes with opportunities across different business units. Yet at the same time, it provides challenges that companies must address. Operations: AI can optimize resource allocation…

How Tech is Bolstering the Fight Against Food Insecurity

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The human race numbered 1 billion people in 1804, the U.N. estimates. It took only 218 years since then for our population to multiply eightfold. That exponential growth creates challenges in securing the necessary resources to feed this growing population. In 2023, in much of the developed…