How to Select the Right PR Partner in Today’s Economy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Companies looking to partner with external public relations (PR) agencies to help manage communications and brand reputation should know a few things. Not all public relations is the same, and each has its rightful place in the matrix, but it’s essential for C-suite decision-makers to know the…

Elon Musk Denied Meeting with Federal Trade Commission Chair Until Twitter ‘Fully’ Complies With FTC Requests

The Federal Trade Commission, which is investigating Twitter, declined to meet with CEO Elon Musk in late January, according to The New York Times. “I recommend that Twitter appropriately prioritize its legal obligations to provide the requested information,” chair Lina Khan wrote. “Once Twitter has fully complied with all F.T.C. requests, I will be happy…

The Future of Calendars: Predictions and Trends

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We live in a world where online calendars are a part of our daily lives. No matter how diligently you use an online calendar, you’re still benefiting from it. For instance, you might be reminded to send a birthday card online, schedule events or business meetings, or…

Why Interactive Content Will Boost Your Customer Loyalty

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Marketing has become a billion-dollar business across the United States. Statistics show that companies spent more than $250 billion on marketing services in 2021 and nearly the same amount on media advertising. Does that mean that brands need a substantial marketing budget to stand out from their…

‘Angry and in Shock’: Fashion Label Orders Former Sales Reps to Return Commissions in Wake of Bankruptcy

Founded in 1991, the Worth Collection established an exclusive shopping experience with its stylist network and appointment-only shopping. However, almost 30 years after its founding, the company faced a “tenuous future,” and was forced into Chapter 7 bankruptcy in February 2020. Now, three years later, dozens of former stylists have been given the news that…

Ways Technology Improves Your Quality of Life in 2023

Innovation in technology and software infrastructure has greatly impacted our lives, creating a global culture. In a matter of years, we’ve become more connected and informed, leading to an increase in cross-border communication efforts between the developed and developing world. For the majority of its infancy, technology, and internet-related services were considered a niche market…