
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from The Beatles: Lessons in Creativity, Playfulness, Collaboration and Innovation

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The Beatles are one of the most iconic bands in history, known for their groundbreaking music, innovative approach to recording and dynamic personalities. But beyond their musical legacy, The Beatles offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs looking to build successful businesses. In this article, we’ll explore what entrepreneurs…


Nursing School Operators in Florida Face 20 Years in Prison For Selling Thousands of Fake Diplomas To Students

Two nursing school professionals in Florida have pleaded guilty to selling thousands of fraudulent diplomas to students, The Miami Herald reported. Charles Etienne, 60, president of Sacred Heart International Institute in Fort Lauderdale, and Eunide Sanon, 60, owner of Siena College of Health in Lauderhill, engaged in what prosecutors say was a multimillion-dollar scheme that…