
Former Uber Exec Tells How Startups Can Raise Billions

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Through Entrepreneur’s partnership with the expert advice platform Intro, you have the opportunity to connect with successful business people like former Uber CBO Emil Michael via one-on-one video calls. Emil Michael has certainly made his mark on the tech industry. From his time at Uber to his…


How to Find a Mentor (and Avoid Coaching Scams)

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The importance of learning from those who have come before you and found success, especially as an entrepreneur, is invaluable. Navigating the choppy waters of entrepreneurship without a coach is like trying to assemble a complex puzzle in the dark; you might stumble upon a few fitting…


The Great-Great-Granddaughter of the Long-Uncredited Man Who Taught Jack Daniel How to Make Whiskey Is Now the Award-Winning Master Blender at His Namesake Distillery

Last month, from April 17-18, the Nearest & Jack Advancement Initiative hosted its inaugural Spirits on the Rise Summit — a two-day event connecting BIPOC businesspeople in spirits with industry leaders from historically underrepresented communities to accelerate their businesses. The first day of the event took place at the Jack Daniel’s Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee,…