
The Best Holiday Marketing Strategy for Amazon Sellers

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The Amazon Marketplace is flooded with advertisers around the holidays that wouldn’t normally be there. This makes getting visibility from holiday shoppers extremely difficult for Amazon sellers of all sizes. Amazon sellers’ holiday marketing strategy ramps up on channels like Amazon PPC and Amazon SEO, taking up…


3 Mindset Shifts That Will Turn Any Successful Company into a Significant One

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Most entrepreneurs go through their entire business career focused on generating revenue and net profits. In other words, an income-focused mindset. This mindset’s elements are things we know well as entrepreneurs and business leaders. These include people and culture, profitable revenue generation, customer retention and relationships and…


When He Tried to Buy and Develop a Distressed Shopping Center in Baltimore, He Found an 80-Year-Old Legal Covenant That Banned Black Ownership. Here’s What He Did Next.

In this ongoing series, we are sharing advice, tips and insights from real entrepreneurs who are out there doing business battle on a daily basis. (Answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.) Who are you and what is your business? I am Lyneir Richardson. I am the co-founder and CEO of Chicago TREND Corporation…