
How AI Is Becoming a Game-Changer in Startup Fundraising

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Navigating the world of startup fundraising can often feel like walking a tightrope, balancing a compelling pitch with hard data, all while trying to predict what investors want to hear. The good news? Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to lend a helping hand, providing startups with an…


Hiring Managers Are Looking for ChatGPT Experience — And Some Are Willing to Pay Up to $800,000 For It

ChatGPT, the AI prompt-driven chatbot created by OpenAI last year, instantly garnered worldwide attention. The chatbot’s ability to generate immediate content can help workers with anything from writing rental listings to computer code. The tool has also garnered criticism, especially with concerns over privacy, ethics (notably in law), and how AI could replace human jobs.…


Cybersecurity for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses — How to Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. However, for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the stakes are even higher. Startups often face numerous challenges, with limited budgets being one of the most significant hurdles. Nevertheless, ignoring cybersecurity risks can…


How Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Makes and Spends His $65 Billion Fortune, from Italian Sports Cars to Millions in Hawaii Real Estate

This story originally appeared on Business Insider. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest people in the world. The Meta founder and CEO’s fortune surpassed $100 billion last year, making him one of 10 centi-billionaires on the planet. As of June, Zuckerberg’s net worth was $101.1 billion, according to Forbes. Zuckerberg mostly keeps a low…


How Forming a Strategic Alliance Can Help Your Business Thrive in Turbulent Times

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In times of economic uncertainty and market challenges, businesses face tough decisions to ensure their survival and growth. While raising capital and adopting a “cockroach” approach may be viable strategies, another path to success lies in forging strategic partnerships. These alliances, when well-aligned and executed, have the…