
‘We Made the Wrong Decision’: Payment Processor Reverses Hidden Fee After Outrage From Customers, Restaurant Owners

Restaurant technology company Toast Inc. handed a major win to small businesses by announcing it will remove a $0.99 processing fee that has irked customers and restaurant owners nationwide. Toast’s technology is used to process orders and bills in restaurants and has been under fire from mom-and-pop restaurant owners. It came to light that Toast…


Kevin O’Leary Says ‘Bidenomics’ Is ‘Bad’ for Small Businesses, Only ‘Focused on the Big Guys’

“Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary slammed “Bidenomics” in the interview with Fox’s “Outnumbered” this week, telling the hosts that the administration’s economic policies were “starving small business in America.” On the program, O’Leary said that the policies and “multiple bills, including the CHIPS Act and of course, the anti-inflation act, whatever you want to call…


Are You a Visionary Leader? Here are 12 Ways to Cultivate and Enhance Your Leadership Vision

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of visionary leadership has become increasingly crucial. Visionary leaders possess a unique ability to inspire and guide their organizations toward a desired future state. History has shown that a visionary leader initiated every significant technological invention. They are catalysts…