
How Hybrid Work Has Given Family Caregivers a Lifeline

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Hybrid and remote models are not just influencing how we do our jobs but significantly transforming the approach towards elder care. These new work formats have empowered the way we care for our elderly loved ones while diminishing the previously unchallenged role of senior housing facilities. Unfortunately,…


This Industry Is Making More Money Than Hollywood and the Music Industry Combined — Here’s How Your Business Can Get Involved

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Video games have not just exploded in popularity since 2020, but global revenue has overtaken the higher-profile film and sports markets, with mobile gaming as the big mover. In the U.S., consumer spending on video games hit $56.6 billion on the back of two consecutive record years,…


The Power of Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship — How Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing the World

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In a rapidly evolving world facing an array of pressing challenges, the rise of purpose-driven entrepreneurship has emerged as a beacon of hope. Social entrepreneurs are individuals who use entrepreneurial principles, innovative thinking and business acumen to create positive and sustainable social or environmental impact. They are…


Two More Banks Failed — Will More Follow?

All right, Life Goal Nation! The United States banking sector has been facing considerable challenges recently, with several bank failures and forced mergers causing concerns among experts and analysts. Back in March, the banking industry witnessed two of the largest bank failures in US history, involving Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank. However, the…