Stop Giving Boring Presentations — Follow These 6 Presentations Hacks to Captivate Your Audience

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the dynamic and data-driven corporate world, effective communication is paramount, and one of the key tools for this communication is corporate presentations. Corporate presentations are the perfect way to communicate ideas, proposals and facts to your business’s internal audience as well as external stakeholders. In fact,…

5 Features Users Appreciate in a Calendar

How you spend your time is up to you. While you may have work obligations and family duties to meet, your choice is primarily when and how you get them done. Digital calendars can help you put time aside for all your daily tasks — from calls with coworkers to family dinners. A digital calendar…

When Will We Finally Put Our Money Where Our Food Grows?

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Extreme weather has left China’s corn-producing north suffering from a drought-inducing heatwave while the central region of Henan drowns in field-ruining floods. Elsewhere in the world’s second most populous nation, heavy rain threatens the rice harvest in the fall while heatwaves kill livestock. China’s government, known for…

He Founded the App Parents Love for Back-to-School Season — Then Found Himself Ridiculed By Teens on TikTok. Here’s How It Led to Serious Innovation.

The family social networking app Life360, which relies on location-sharing to help users stay connected, is built, in part, to give parents peace of mind. So perhaps it’s no surprise that the company sees an uptick in registrations and usage around this time of year with back-to-school season — and all of the anxiety that…

6 Costly Mistakes CEOs Make Managing Business Insurance and How to Avoid Them

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Insurance costs can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line, affecting profitability, growth, and overall financial health. While insurance is a critical component of risk management, many CEOs inadvertently make costly mistakes when handling their insurance policies. Here are some of the biggest mistakes CEOs…