‘This Gets Worse Before It Gets Better’: Kevin O’Leary Warns of ‘Real Chaos’ Set to Hit the U.S. Economy This Fall

“Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary has a grim outlook on the immediate future of the U.S. economy, particularly for how it will affect small businesses. O’Leary spoke with FOX Business’ Larry Kudlow about the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes and the inevitable “chaos” that he believes will hit the job market and economy by the…

Meet a Millennial Mom Who Resurrected Her Career With a 10-day Crash Course on Semiconductors. She Landed a New Job, Learned New Skills, and Says the Pay Outweighs Long Hours.

This article originally appeared on Business Insider. When Lisa Strothers, 36, was laid off from her mortgage industry job in April of last year, the Arizona-based single mom wasn’t sure what to do next. A few weeks later, she told Insider, she received an email about the “Quick Start” program — a 10-day crash course…

5 Reasons Why Salespeople Make the Best Business Leaders

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Warren Buffett, Ginni Rometty and Howard Schultz share a common background — they all worked as salespeople before becoming CEOs of Berkshire Hathaway, IBM and Starbucks, respectively. Buffett worked as an investment salesman, Rometty got his start in a sales role at IBM, and Schultz had a…