Amazon Tests Robots to Improve Worker Safety

The online retailer wants to reduce recordable injuries 50% by 2025. Grow Your Business, Not Your Inbox Stay informed and join our daily newsletter now! June 14, 2021 2 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Meet Ernie, Bert, Scooter and Kermit. They’re the robots Amazon introduced in a blog post on…

These Are the Biggest Fitness Bankruptcies of 2020

The coronavirus pandemic wrecked havoc on almost all retail segments, including fitness companies. Social distancing norms meant that gyms and health… Free Book Preview Money-Smart Solopreneur This book gives you the essential guide for easy-to-follow tips and strategies to create more financial success. June 14, 2021 4 min read This story originally appeared on ValueWalk…

Why You Shouldn’t Hire a VP of Sales

Most companies waste precious money that could have been used to created more sales. Free Book Preview: Brand Renegades Discover how two entrepreneurs used unconventional business strategies to turn their startup into a multimillion-dollar company. June 13, 2021 4 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The executive sales leadership function (VP…