The Key to Employee Engagement Is Purpose. Here’s Why — and How to Foster It in Your Workplace.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Employees seem to be following a pattern of professional detachment. Since the beginning of 2020, Gallup’s worker engagement polls have shown steady employee-organization distancing. In the last three years, employee engagement levels dropped four percentage points. Given it can take nearly six months to break even after…

Gas Prices About to Skyrocket, Gas Economics 101

Gas prices have always been a topic of great interest and concern for millions of Americans who rely on gasoline to power their vehicles and homes daily. A sharp rise in gas prices can directly impact the economy, people’s expenses, and consumer behavior. Recently, events like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have significantly affected gas prices.…

3 Keys to Success for Black Women Entrepreneurs

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Let’s be blunt. Being a Black entrepreneur is different from our counterparts. Not always in a bad way, just dissimilar. However, we do face challenges or have experiences that are sometimes difficult to understand or articulate unless you’re in our shoes or you live through them. What…

Successful Leaders Think Globally — How to Expand Your Business Abroad For Maximum Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For many small business owners and entrepreneurs, operating internationally from day one is crucial to long-term success. But starting a small business domestically is hard enough, how can these leaders be expected to go global so quickly? Contrary to popular belief, expanding a small business internationally is…

Using Your Calendar to Increase Your Work-Life Balance

Work is an essential part of life. Working generates an income to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Workers also make massive contributions to society as a whole. They provide valuable services and products that increase the overall quality of life for everyone. However, it’s essential to recognize that work isn’t everything. There are…

Free Event: Overcoming Investor Pitch Anxiety

Join us for an empowering session on Overcoming Investor Pitch Anxiety. Delving deep into the psychology of pitch-related fears, this webinar will illuminate the common barriers that entrepreneurs face when stepping into the spotlight. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, the pressure of capturing investors’ attention can be daunting.…