
Grimes, Who Once Banked $5.8 Million in 20 Minutes By Selling Crypto Art, Says She’s Made More From NFTs Than From Her Entire Music Career

This article originally appeared on Business Insider. Grimes says her earnings from selling NFTs outpace what she’s earned over the course of her music career. The artist, whose given name is Claire Boucher, reflected on her venture into crypto and non-fungible tokens in a wide-ranging interview with Wired’s Steven Levy. She launched “WarNymph,” a collection…


AI Is Making Market Insights Accessible to Businesses of Any Size — Not Just the Big Names. Here’s How You Can Use It.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. For decades, identifying the next big consumer trends and products was an imprecise art dominated by guesswork. Companies would spend millions on market research, only to be caught off guard by sudden shifts in public taste. It was like throwing darts blindfolded. But artificial intelligence has transformed…


3 Takeaways from the August Inflation Report 

The market advanced following the August PCE price index report, but investors and traders should not discount the news. The PCE index remains cool relative to the peaks of the inflation scare, but there are signs that the cooling is over.  Inflation may accelerate again; the evidence could come as early as next month’s data. The…

11 Ways to Improve Your Brain Health

Whether you’re thinking, remembering, feeling, or moving, your brain controls everything you do. Like any organ, your brain must be cared for to stay healthy. To improve brain health, you can do many physical and mental things. Check out these 11 evidence-based tips: 1. Exercise regularly. Your heart, body, and brain all benefit from exercise.…