
I Watch Great Teams Make These Business-Destroying Mistakes All The Time. Here’s Where They’re Going Wrong (And How To Fix It).

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In my 20+ year career as an entrepreneur who’s built, acquired, and sold numerous successful businesses, I’ve observed several factors that can take an otherwise amazing team and viable business idea and drive it into the ground: Not fully understanding who you serve (who your customers are).…


9 Employee Traits to Look for When Hiring in 2023

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Every business owes its success not just to its leaders but also to the employees who carry out the day-to-day operations. But how do you find the right employees for your business? You can develop a more effective hiring strategy by prioritizing certain traits. Focus on building…


Deepfake Scams Are Becoming So Sophisticated, They Could Start Impersonating Your Boss And Coworkers

Cybercriminals are leveraging AI-driven voice simulation and deepfake video technology to deceive individuals and organizations, Bloomberg reported. In a recent incident, a CEO transferred $249,000 in funds after receiving a call that sounded like it came from a trusted source, only to discover it was generated by AI. Udi Mokady, chairman of the cybersecurity firm…