Should You Buy eBay Stock on the Dip?

The shares of popular online marketplace eBay (EBAY) are down 18.2% in price year-to-date. The momentum EBAY gained during the pandemic, fueled by an online shopping trend, has been waning as people return to in-person shopping. However, with the company launching initiatives to attract Gen-Z consumers, will EBAY be able to regain its forward momentum…

The Importance of the Partnership Between CEOs, CIOs and CTOs

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The software development and information technology world has undergone disruptive changes that impact employees’ traditional roles and responsibilities. Most fundamental aspects of the economy will no longer remain the same as before, with technology taking center stage of most business operations. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the changing…

3 Inflation-Busting Commodity Stock Investments

Commodities are raw materials either used directly such as food used indirectly to produce another product. For example, oil is a commodity that’s used in the production of many different goods and services. You can purchase physical goods, invest in stocks, purchase ETFs that track specific commodity indexes or invest in commodity futures. Commodity futures…

3 Blue Chip Bargain Stocks to Buy Now

These 3 Blue Chip Names Are Trading at Attractive Valuations It’s not often that blue-chip stocks go on sale, but that’s exactly what has happened to a few of these iconic names in 2022 thanks to all of the market volatility. For the investors that are paying attention, these stocks could end up being great…

PDOOH: A Marketing Term Entrepreneurs Should Know

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Big businesses have long employed out-of-home (OOH) and digital out-of-home (DOOH) marketing to promote their brands, expand into new markets and grow market share. Over the last decade, however, techniques for assessing ROI for OOH and DOOH campaigns, analyzing message customization, reach, market composition and targeted buying behaviors…

All You Need to Know About Using Trademarks for Your Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Imagine that after countless hours spent in research and development, you announce your new company to the world. You’ve branded your entire company around a name that you’ve been talking up and that you painstakingly chose. You have a beautifully-designed, expensive logo that’s printed and featured on many…

How Experiential Ecommerce is Digitally Reconceptualizing Human Connection

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Nowadays, the dichotomy of commerce and ecommerce has become quite opaque regarding the level of human connection between company and consumer. You can argue that commerce leverages the advantage of in-person communication and connection over the ecommerce experience. However, in our modern-day reality with the overwhelming tilt toward…