The Smart Way That IT Companies Are Building on Past Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Enterprises leveraging technology to the fullest are undeniably ahead of their competitors. Others planning to incorporate technology into their processes, remain far behind. Today’s advancements have been built using yesterday’s success and profitable businesses are all following the run-and-transform model.  Related: Tech Earnings Impress in the Face of Economic Headwinds Meeting IT…

Meet Tech’s Future With AI

“Zoom fatigue” refers to a mental overload that reduces productivity. Senior managers believe there is AI in the investment of meetings. Calendar – Calendar The Stanford Virtual Human Interaction AI Lab studied the psychological effects of protracted video conferencing and online meetings in early 2021. Sixty-five percent of 182 senior managers polled at UNC-Chapel Hill…

Horizon Worlds, Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse, will allow creators to sell digital goods and experiences in their worlds

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process. It’s called Horizon Worlds and it’s the first space in the metaverse created by Meta, Mark Zuckerberg‘s company. In this immersive world, accessed through augmented reality headsets (such as the Oculus Quest Pro ), users can interact…